
Age Calculator

Calculate the age by date of birth

Age Calculator Tool

Our Age Calculator tool is used to calculate the age by provided date of birth and get their age in years ,months and days within seconds.
birthday Calculator
Easy to Use

Determine your age effortlessly by selecting your date of birth. Click 'Calculate Age' to obtain the exact age in days, months, and years.

dob calculator
Safe & Secure

Our age calculator tool prioritize safety and security, ensuring all conversions occur within SSL encryption for enhanced protection.

Online Age Calculator
Open Source

Users can access the functionalities of the age calculator tool without any associated costs, eliminating the requirement for sign-ups or software installations.

Online Age Calculator

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ):

Visit the website, navigate to Age Calculator section, the birthdate of individual and then click on "Calculate Age". The tool will the age in years and days.

Indeed, the Age Calculator in dConverter Online takes into consideration leap years, and the varies month lengths to provide accurate age calculations!!

Yes, dConverter Online highly values users feedbacks. If, in case, you somehow encounter any issues or have any suggestions, there is generally a feedback mechanism present on the website, which totally helps to improve the service.